Pokemon Gift Help Please :)



6 Sep 2007

My eldest, who is almost 4, found a Pokemon encyclopedia book which was an index of all the Pokemon with descriptions of each. He loves me reading each one to him and likes learning about what each do as well as asking questions about their appearance etc.

He's never seen Pokemon, no idea what it is yet apart from what I've explained to him, I think I'll show him the cartoons when he gets a little older.

I'd like to buy him something age appropriate but I have no idea about Pokemon and there are a million things out there when I google. I know I could simply get him cuddly toys or even figures but I think he loves the learning aspect and being inquisitive about what each does etc. so I was wondering if any of you guys knew of anything related that I could get him as a gift?

Thanks in advance :)
Edit: LCB! Dammit!
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Original set of Gen 1 first edition cards?
Oh the cards look decent, some small info to help him with his reading. Do you play like Top Trumps?

A gameboy and one of the original games?

Could get pokemon go on your phone and go out for adventures with the lure of playing pokemon at the same time too?
A gameboy is a bit too much for him atm, but definitely soon. Pokemon Go is a great idea! I can take both kids out and go hunting :) Thank you!

Hahaha poor SideWinder!

Pokemon colouring book?
He's grown away from colouring books now he's started drawing things himself, but thanks for the suggestion :)

Thou shall buy three Pokemon toys. A Squirtle, a Charmander and a Bulbasaur. You shall lay all three down in front of him and he must only pick one..... If he picks Bulbasaur you are to leave him at the nearest adoption agency, never to return.
Hahaha - I might just get him a few different ones if he gets into it :)

I was wondering if there were any educational type pokemon games, but maybe sticking with the books and possibly the cards would be a good way to get him reading more :)
Ah nah I haven't got a switch, I've got a Wii U somewhere if there're any good ones on that. I'm sure he'd learn to play that quite quickly with the remote.
Pokemon Smile is a teeth brushing app that rewards kids for brushing their teeth. I'm sure some will claim that's bad because children should be taught the value of brushing their teeth for health reasons rather than gamifying it, but it's fairly simple and safe to use.
Thanks :) But whilst he's still young we have a nice bedtime routine and I worry that an App stimulus might corrupt it. But thanks :)

sounds like a good gift. my son (6) loves his, had it for about a year. Basically its a guess who for pokemon. Ball asks yes no questions about your pokemon, then tries to guess which one you are thinking of.
That does look great! I think perhaps he's a little young but I think I will give it a go as something we can do together and will help him with his reading :) Thank you so much!
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