Police get better and better

28 Dec 2004
Borris said:
And you filed a formal complaint with the IPCC, obviously.

I think that was probably down to the victim. I myself have had cause to call the police when a group of fellers were hurling bricks at my car (which I was in at the time), I called them on my mobile and was told that I must have been having a wee joke and not to pester them.
25 Oct 2002
Cuchulain said:
I think that was probably down to the victim. I myself have had cause to call the police when a group of fellers were hurling bricks at my car (which I was in at the time), I called them on my mobile and was told that I must have been having a wee joke and not to pester them.
IPCC said:
Who can make a complaint against the police

You can make a complaint if you are a member of the public who:

  1. Has been the victim of the misconduct by a person serving with the police. Misconduct could include a police officer or member of police staff being rude to you or using excessive force. It could also include unlawful arrest or an abuse of your rights. For more information please see the police code of conduct.
  2. Is posting on a public web forum.
  3. Was present when the alleged misconduct took place, or close enough to see or hear the misconduct, and as a result suffered loss, damage, distress or inconvenience, or was put in danger or at risk.
  4. Is a friend or relative of the victim of the alleged misconduct, distressed by the effects of the incident on the victim.
  5. Has witnessed the alleged misconduct.
  6. Is acting on behalf of any of the above. Please note that if you would like someone to make a complaint on your behalf, you must give them your consent in writing unless they are from a body such as a Citizens Advice Bureau.
I'm sure you fit into one of the categories.
28 Dec 2004
Borris said:
I'm sure you fit into one of the categories.

I haven't a clue who the IPCC are or even if they have any kind of jurisdiction in Northern Ireland but I can tell you for a certainty that the police ombudsman in NI are just as useless as the police.
25 Oct 2002
Cuchulain said:
I haven't a clue who the IPCC are or even if they have any kind of jurisdiction in Northern Ireland but I can tell you for a certainty that the police ombudsman in NI are just as useless as the police.
My apologies for assuming that you were on the mainland.

Did you, or the victim, file a complaint with the Police Ombudsman?

Even if a suitale outcome was not reached, there would be a record of the complaint, and that matters for something in itself.
20 Apr 2004
Far far away....
Cuchulain said:
I haven't a clue who the IPCC are or even if they have any kind of jurisdiction in Northern Ireland but I can tell you for a certainty that the police ombudsman in NI are just as useless as the police.

With the police a largely Protestant organisation in NI are you by any chance Catholic?
28 Dec 2004
Borris said:
My apologies for assuming that you were on the mainland.

Did you, or the victim, file a complaint with the Police Ombudsman?

Even if a suitale outcome was not reached, there would be a record of the complaint, and that matters for something in itself.

I didn't with mine (didn't occur to me at the time) but with the first incident I mentioned and with people's mentality over here you can guarantee that a certain local political party did. I don't know what last years statistics are but just in my local area there were over 80 complaints to the ombudsman for "Failure in Duty" against the police in 2004, unfortunately they've not published anything more recent but from my experience things have gotten worse, not better. I lived in England for many years and I would rate the Police force there far better than here.
15 Aug 2005
scarab said:
The Voice: The police aren't much of a deterrent of crime in any country

Someone answer me this. if you have 2 cops outside a nightclub, would you expect their presence to stop any trouble from happening?

It'll stop some trouble, yes, but when you have people filled with alcohol getting into arguments, it doesn't matter if three PSG vans pitch up, chances are they'll keep/start fighting anyway.

I'm not trying to downlplay the Police's pro-active/patrolling methods - they're useful, they do work to some extent and they increase the public's confidence and awareness of the police. But responding to incidences of crime is still a much bigger part of the work.
1 Feb 2006
Von > 9 times out of 10 it would generally cause more trouble. It potrays a false confidence. Those ....undesirables, know that after they have thrown the first punch the poice will have to stop it. Fair enough they wont win against the police but still the jo public has been witness to the unecessary violence. However, i would rather have them there than not.

The Voice is right.. dont matter how many police you have their, if they want to fight or cause trouble, they will.
Man of Honour
1 Aug 2004
scarab said:
Von > 9 times out of 10 it would generally cause more trouble. It potrays a false confidence. Those ....undesirables, know that after they have thrown the first punch the poice will have to stop it. Fair enough they wont win against the police but still the jo public has been witness to the unecessary violence. However, i would rather have them there than not.

The Voice is right.. dont matter how many police you have their, if they want to fight or cause trouble, they will.

Add the very handy tool that is a visible video camera and you will be amazed at the difference it makes. Even 2 officers there and one with a camera. The difference is amazing.
18 Oct 2002
Stellios said:
When i was in work tonight we heard a message from The Forum security firm (shopping centre) that a car had been broken into in the multi-storey car park over the radio, but due to the security guard being old and frale he got onto the police and said they are in the car now, be fast and youll get them. Now the local police station is literally a 1 minute run down the road from the car park, the response from the police, "all our officers are busy currently, but one will be out ASAP".

Have the police just gave up or something? or does catching thieves not count as part of the job now.

I saw some kids break into a car, they were sat in it, 4 of them, it wasnt going to move anywhere and they were there for a minute or so, 100metres from the police station too... as I walked past a cop car pulle dinto the station, I told him and he said go to *** front doors and he will be around and can take a statement... yet the kids who broke into the car were 99% still there...

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