Political Correctness Gone Mad Again

27 Jan 2009

PC correctness gone mad again banning the walk on girls at the start of a darts match.

Surely the time must be coming where every offending word on TV will be beeped out and every advert will be of a mixed race couple with a disabled kid to cover all bases as not to upset anybody.

The way it's going the next generation in a 100 years time are just going to be sanitized zombies, or maybe that's what the illuminati want...
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Spot the Soy Boys !

They're going to have to ban females advertising make-up on the telly, cuz... They are Eye-Candying themselves.

Burkhas.. It's the only way !!

I think a start would be for the shops to stop selling short skirts, dresses and shorts . Everything sold needs to cover your ankles, but then again the pc do gooders would complain that the feet were showing...
people who never shutup about 'pc gone mad' are just as annoying as the types they like to moan about tbh.

i mean does anyone here truly give a **** either way if Darts has walk on girls or not ? or are you just upset the idea of some people being offended by them ?

The darts girls are just the way our sad wrapped up in cotton wool world is going. So I take it you are happy that everything is slowly being banned all because some people get offended? How long before tennis is banned from TV with all those short skirts and bending over? Swimming and gymnastics next, too much leg and tight clothing the pc brigade will be up in arms. Let's imprison Jim Davidson he says things that upset the minority. When will it end?
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