POLL: Motorway speed limits

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18 Oct 2002
Ok, prob will not apply to a lot of people in here, but who cares? I'm going to post it anyway as I've read enough of your drivel to last me a lifetime ;) <G>

Poll: How do you treat speed restrictions on the motorway? Do you abide by them at all times; ignore them and do 80mph (or higher) anyway; or go slightly above (say, 10mph) the current restriction ? This includes the signs placed next to the carriageway whilst road workings and the illuminated signs.
Depends on the situation. At 4AM I do not adhere to speed limits on a well lit, empty motorway.

We shouldn't have speed restrictions on our motorways unless there's roadworks or poor visibility.
Stick to the speed limit after getting 3 points.

The Illuminated signs are not restrictions, merely warnings. Unless they are surrounded by a red circle such as on the M25 duriong Speed Restriction time.
I usually do 60-70. But not becuase the limit is 70 - I'd still do it even if the limit was 170. I can return upwards of 50mpg if I stick to 60, and doing an extra 20mph doesn't shave enough off my journeytime to be worthwhile.

If someone else is paying for the fuel, ie I'm taking the family somewhere, then 70-80.
about 80 usually. Going at a similar speed to everyone else makes it safer. (less difference, more time to react?) well sounds good in theory.
On the motorway my car sits comfortably at 90-100 MPH, this is the speed i usually do if the roads are relatively clear.

But when its completely dead at 2:00 am on a tuesday morning or whatver i can do anything upto 120 MPH.
Personally, I normally just keep up with traffic. I do get bored at times though, and this normally means finally looking at the speedo and seeing if I can go any faster to relieve the boredom by overtaking a few people. This normally means a speed of between 60mph and 80mph. I never go above 80mph.
I'm a new driver, I don't really speed, I'm a petrol saver. Tho I've broken the speed limit a few times, simply cos i wanted to go faster than i had in a driving lesson. I've got a friend who doesn't seem to be bother about doing 120 every other day on this stretch of newly tarmaced Dual Carriageway he uses.
I think instead of being 70 and just ignoring everyone going towards 80-90 (at which point they will pull you over), I think that it should be either 80-85mph top speed and no more. Anything more and you get a ticket.

Instead of the speed, I would be more in favour of lorries and buses having their own lane as less accidents will be caused:cool:
I generally ignore the 70mph limit but drive safely imo. I drive according to the conditions of the road and busyness.

I dont think they should raise the limit as you'll get people trying to stretch the limit even more as they'll take it as an indication that its ok to go faster.

I say keep it as it stands.
Originally posted by Muncher
In light traffic in good conditions where I know there are no speed cameras 90mph, 80-85mph on unfamiliar roads.

Why do you feel that the 90mph is safer on Motorways you've driven on before? It's not as if you'll come across an unexpected right hander on the M1 :)
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