POLL: Motorway speed limits

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The max speed limit in Italy has just been increased to just under 100mph and IMO should they do a similar thing in the UK.
Originally posted by [TW]Fox
Why do you feel that the 90mph is safer on Motorways you've driven on before? It's not as if you'll come across an unexpected right hander on the M1 :)

It's not about the road at all, it's about whether there are gatsos which I can't see ;)

It depends, as many have said, if there is poor visablity i slow to the recommended limits, but still keep up with the flow

i usually do about 75 - 80, and try to keep up, without being a hazord at going like a slow 50MPH.

I dont bomb down at 90MPh as my Fuel Consumption drops so much, its not worth it, YES on my1.2 corsa :p

Hmmm @ all these people mentioning fuel consumption. Lopez, were you travelling safely when you were doing 120 in a 30 zone as you put in another thread not so long back? ;)
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Same as some of the others, if I know there are no cash machines, sorry I mean cameras, then I will do upto about 100mph, dont like going above 100mph as thats license goodbye territory for your first offence :mad:
Originally posted by Muncher
People who get mullered by company car tax and tax on company fuel ;)

Well ATM i pay NO tax on my Company vehicle as i do not have one as yet.

I pay for all my Petrol on the company fuel card.

And i don't pay anything for the use of the company fuel card ;)
Originally posted by Adam
Same as some of the others, if I know there are no cash machines, sorry I mean cameras, then I will do upto about 100mph, dont like going above 100mph as thats license goodbye territory for your first offence :mad:

Yep after I got caught doing 96 a few years back and got 5 points, I realised how close I was to losing my licence and now I don't speed much.. it's a sickener to pay a big fine and have higher insurance.
On a motorway i'd never go over 100 as im scared of getin caught and banned, would drive too much faster though if there was no limit, 120 doesnt feel very safe....

On an A road i dont go much over 90,on a road i know very well (i live in the country in holidays where i drive) and not much more than 60 on i road i dont know, kinda hesitant after having a bad accident and destroying car 7 week after passing test, not a scratch since in over 2 years though:) ), i think im a very safe driver now tbh.
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