Polygamous working

Three full time civil service roles concurrently in different government departments. The guy must have been minted.
Most likely a low level worker, so not really well paid at all... probably why he was working three jobs in the first place!!
You have to be pretty high up in the CS just to be earning anything worth writing home about.

I don't think it's illegal to have multiple jobs, is it? Even less of a concern if he's actually doing all the work the role involves - I say fair play if that was the case!!
Then again, he's a Civil Serpent, so it's not like he'd be doing that much work anyway, right? Skive for one department or three, so long as they make their targets appear met, no-one else cares...

As is, there are plenty of people in various roles (not necessarily the CS), each one doing the work of 2, 3 or even more people.
The only real issue is lying about his circumstances on the DV...
I thought this was about polygamy :(

It is shafting several different departments at once. I wonder if WFH would enhance the likelihood and whether more cases will be uncovered.

@ttaskmaster it is not OK if you have committed to working full time for one employer.
I wonder if WFH would enhance the likelihood and whether more cases will be uncovered.

It's already very prolific. Makes me wonder who the mugs are here, if it works for them and they tick their boxes, then crack on I say.
My question is, was he doing the work at all 3 jobs, and if so, are they really necessary job roles if 1 person can do all 3 jobs at the same time.
My question is, was he doing the work at all 3 jobs, and if so, are they really necessary job roles if 1 person can do all 3 jobs at the same time.

That is good point and many jobs in the civil service may be superfluous to requirements. It is not possible to know. As an employer I would be worried about departmental information being leaked outside or within another department.
They'll have to crack down on that, usually an employer wants one person doing the work of three, for one wage.
Actually I don't. Hovernment departments are dodgy enough vying for treasury cash. It would be nice to expect some honesty and confidentiality.
Sure, but this isn't a problem with the individual imo, it's a problem with the department/organisation.
It's interesting to know that they government don't check your NI records...when applying or when taking both payments.
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^ yeah how did they not spot that. but if the person was able to do the work for all 3 posts then fair play
I've never understood or agreed with most employers demanding you don't work multiple jobs. I can see why there may be some conflict of interest with competitors, or maybe you are contracted to be available out of hours, etc. But in general I don't think an employer should prevent you working multiple jobs unless it can be shown that it is being detremental to your performance.

For example I have worked jobs where I was regularly working 10 to 12 hours (for no overtime pay - it was just expected in that industry). I look back on those times and realise I was a mug. I would have been far better to work two seperate jobs. I could have chosen two easier jobs with lower pay and still taken home more money than that single job. Reduced performance couldn't be an argument (in my case) because I was working ridiculous hours anyway which must have affected my poutput.
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It is shafting several different departments at once. I wonder if WFH would enhance the likelihood and whether more cases will be uncovered.

@ttaskmaster it is not OK if you have committed to working full time for one employer.
In what world? If he is remote and can fulfil his duties then it is perfectly OK to committing your time, as you see fit, to two different FT roles. A one man LTD company can easily engage with multiple clients and offer his/her services full time, that is the essence of business.
Time for a “Tell us 5 things you did this week” email across the Civil Service.
Thank you for your email. I agree on the potential for sending such a communication to shore up governance across the department, however without a business case and change management review it will not possible to justify this against other priorities. The next quarterly CM board meeting is next week, however is being canceled due to low attendance. Let's catch up in the new financial year, please put together a business case and ensure the associated funding is secured and the put a call in my calendar so we can align prior to the SLT pre-CM board meeting.
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