Polygamous working

Yeah, so 8 hours a day for Hagar Limited is Full Time... and then once you finish that working day do another 8 hours afterward for, say, Lucky Eddie haulage?
Why is that not OK?

Genuine question...
It's civil service, so no one has done, or is expected to do 8 hours a day. ;)
There is a famous story of a programmer in the US who was hired by 15 different companies (all remote jobs) and he outsourced the jobs to India, and pocketed the difference
Yeah, so 8 hours a day for Hagar Limited is Full Time... and then once you finish that working day do another 8 hours afterward for, say, Lucky Eddie haulage?
Why is that not OK?

Genuine question...

Hagar was more a 9-10 hours a day guy, more if I was away from home, on a site or travelling. No clock watching here and I was not paid overtime I just massively enjoyed my job.

Maybe with the above it is possible to work two eight hour jobs passably well. Not being committed to one team and just skating along. Not my way.
Maybe with the above it is possible to work two eight hour jobs passably well. Not being committed to one team and just skating along. Not my way.
Ah, so it's just your personal perspective?
That's fair enough. I was just wondering if there was any legal restriction on it.
Yeah, so 8 hours a day for Hagar Limited is Full Time... and then once you finish that working day do another 8 hours afterward for, say, Lucky Eddie haulage?
Why is that not OK?

Genuine question...

There is no direct legal issue, but you would have issues when most jobs specify working hours. You can't have 2 jobs 8hours a day 8-5pm without breach of contract. If you worked separate 8hour shifts there would be problems with expected recovery and fatigue, or if one company required overtime to meet an objective. There are then a load of possible other legal issues such as non-competes, IP etc.

Now the easiest way around this is offering a contracting service as long as it is clear to whomever hires you.
In what world? If he is remote and can fulfil his duties then it is perfectly OK to committing your time, as you see fit, to two different FT roles. A one man LTD company can easily engage with multiple clients and offer his/her services full time, that is the essence of business.
shhh only mps are allowed multiple full time jobs.

These civil servants are getting above themselves
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People worried about it being ethical, yet are happy getting the bare minimum from their employer who expects you to go above and beyond for them in return

If it's legal and you can get away with it, why not. People don't get to the top by playing by the rules. Look at Trump lol
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It's normally in your contract to declare other employment or banning other employment. My contract states I can't work for competitors and need to have approval for other employment or becoming a company director which I'm sure is pretty standard.
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