Poor GTA V performance with gtx 970

6 Jul 2015
Hi everyone... so i bought a gtx 970 recently expecting to get 60 fps on all games at 1080p ultra....well,that didnt work out as expected.most of the games perform okay but gtav especially is performing unsatisfactorily.
My rig:-
CPU:Intel i5 [email protected]
Mobo:Intel DH61WW(****** i know)
RAM:Kingston 4 gb 1333 mhz
GPU:MSI GTX 970 Gaming 4G
PSU:Corsair CX500

Although most games perform slightly better very few give constant 60 fps.In gta vsync is on,msaa off,other settings are either high or very high,ambient occlusion normal,shadows soft.

I know the ram is not enough so im gonna buy a G.Skill RipjawsX 8 gb kit.
Thanks in advance for bearing with my long talk.
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I turned down/off nearly all of the settings in the advanced graphics section, the only one that's turned up a little bit is the extended view distance. Solid 60fps for me.

4GB RAM won't help, using Afterburner, I can see the system hovering around the 6GB mark most of the time, and touching 7.5GB during extended plays.
There was an update a few days ago that killed performance in GTAV. It would probably be best to wait until that is fixed before hurrying off and throwing money at your PC because people with much better PCs than yours are also reporting problems. I would however go and upgrade the RAM to at least 8GB
Overclock your CPU to 4Ghz, shouldn't be hard at all, that will give you a nice boost. And yea, RAM... 4GB just doesn't cut it these days. As for your GPU, sure, 970 is powerful, but it was on par with my old 780 before I chopped that in for a 980ti. What I can say is some games at the moment, require dialing down. Specially GTA.
The weird thing is, on my PC (16GB RAM) at 1080p. GTAV.exe does not use more than 3.2GB RAM ever.

Does anyone else notice the same thing?
Firstly, the game is an absolute RAM hog, 8gb is a must. Also your CPU might be a bit of a bottleneck.

Secondly, you won't be able to max GTA V on a single 970. You will have to turn down a handful of settings to maintain satisfactory performance. Contrary to popular belief, a 970 is just not enough to play everything at ultra at 1080p but it's still a great card if you're willing to compromise image quality a bit.

I'm running a 970@1500mhz/4790k combo with a custom SweetFX profile and traffic/population density mods and can just about hold constant 60 fps with occasional drops to 55-50 (forested areas around the sawmill are a **** though when I have the SFX profile enabled, sometimes there are huge drops and sometimes the framerate remains unaffected).

No AA besides FXAA, no extended draw distance, high-res shadows are off (it's hard to even spot the difference lol), tesselation on high, no reflection MSAA and grass/post fx on very high. Everything else maxed.
I didn't realise that GTA V uses more than 8GB ram. So is 16GB of RAM finally justified?

kinda 8gb+2gb page file windows wanted to close gtav for hogging all my ram.
upped my page file to 4gb and was fine.

didn't really notice any choppy frames but my pagefile was on an ssd
Its your amount of RAM, 4gb is nowhere near enough. If I drop the speed on my ram down from 2133mhz I loose a lot of FPS.
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