poor website

one of the main reasons i buy from Overclockers is because of the website, everytime i order and leave comments i say "DONT CHANGE THE WEBSITE LAYOUT"

i love the simplicity of this site, other big site are like an argos website with loads of ads and uneccesary graphics.
Moredhel said:
Asda's online shopping website is dire, horrible java appliets that I've yet to get working in IE6 or FireFox.

Have to agree with Asda, such a poor website.
Google a poor site? god no. Its the most quickest, easiest and resourceful search engine in the world, unlike msn :S

Government websites like HMCE suck - too much information and what you need is buried deep sometimes, needs better layouts and co ordination on it.
suki said:
Hi Guys

i need to find a website, can be corporate or non-profit making company that has a poor website on which i could comment on their current use of internet technology and make recommendations for.

it needs to be a fairly well known company as i will need to find out and report on the company itself.

i cant really seem to find anything after searching, currently going through an A-Z of airline websites, trying to find one that doesnt allow you to buy from them and find other information, as i think i could make many recommendations for a very poor airline site

any input much appreciated

thanks guys.
exactly what course are you doing this for, as it sounds familiar...
Ryanair might be worth your consideration, according to google they have the most visited travel related site in Europe.
Though the website isn't the best looking it the world, that maybe what Ryanair is going for, the whole "Cheap" thing, all of there marketting material is of that nature, and it evidently works for them.
I still think the odeon is a good example - anything to make that company finaly hire someone who knows what they're doing rather than some random person in their IT dept who hasnt got a clue. Ruddy cheapskates I tells ya [ :) ]
bigred said:
www.onebitterpill.com - Thats the worst website I've ever seen. Why is there a 10mb animated GIF on the front page?!! :confused:

I know it's absolutely SHOCKING isn't it. The guy is trying to be clever with the animated menus etc, but totally missing the point.

It's the worst website I have EVER seen in my WHOLE LIFE for sure.
Samtheman1k said:
Indeed. Allows you to find what you want quickly & easily. Doesn't overcomplicate the matter. That gets top marks in my book!
And sometimes it can be a real pig to find what you want. The fact that things are categorised by manufacturer rather than functionality can make it difficult to compare them.
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