portable AC

I don't know where you live but it's not dropped significantly below 25 degrees overnight in our house.

open a window and get some air flow it's been considerably colder than that over night everywhere in the UK.

My room hasn't been below 29°C for a couple of weeks now. It gets sun all day long. It doesn't cool down at all.

Don't open the cutains thermal gain on south facing windows is massive
My curtains are quite thick and always closed. Opening a window isn't much of an option, makes my allergies 10x worse with all the pollen and dust blowing about.

It's not just about making it cooler, it reduces the humidity which makes a massive difference.

Can't put a price on being comfortable :)
open a window and get some air flow it's been considerably colder than that over night everywhere in the UK.

Awww "FULLY STAR SWEAR WORDS* why didn't I think of that! :rolleyes:

There is no airflow that's the problem. Fans are on but they are just blowing warm air about.
Get the right AC and it will cool and heat depending on what you need. As I said, the honeywell 12000E is a grand job but like all AC units, it isnt silent.
I have both a single duct and a dual duct unit, and the dual duct is way, way better at cooling the room. From about 30 the single duct on full blast can only keep it at 24, with the dual duct, well, I gave up at 18 but I am sure it could just keep going to well below that.
My room is now 21c, it's absolute bliss :D money well spent ;)

This doesn't sound all that but with the AC drastically reducing the humidity it really is bliss.

I sat and watched Cloud Atlas last night, windows and doors shut, plasma TV, 2 amps, server, PC and stuff all giving off heat yet I was very comfortable, even had it set at 22-23 and it was perfect. I find if I set it to 21 after a while I'd be looking for a jumper lol.
So as my GD thread got locked but the question isnt actually answered in here..

Does anyone know where i can get an Oscillating tower fan that you fill with water?

Have them at work but can't find a company name on them and they are much better than "basic" fans...

Help appreciated!
This doesn't sound all that but with the AC drastically reducing the humidity it really is bliss.

I sat and watched Cloud Atlas last night, windows and doors shut, plasma TV, 2 amps, server, PC and stuff all giving off heat yet I was very comfortable, even had it set at 22-23 and it was perfect. I find if I set it to 21 after a while I'd be looking for a jumper lol.

Which one did you get, where from and how much.
I would have bought a wall mounted one if it was my own house. But I still live with mum being 21, so I'm not gonna bother until I get my own place.
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