Except they aren't, my workstation would be totally unsuitable for any kind of gaming. And the spec is very different, it's server grade processors, ECC RAM and SAS disks, none of which is swappable with a home PC.
I hate to point out that you just mentioned "server grade" there. So is it "server grade" or "workstation" grade. So which one is just a label?
Plenty of workstations using both "home" grade and "server grade". True, a server grade probabily isn'y the best for gaming, that said, there are pleanty of gaming systems for sell using opterons.
You throw a opteron in, sas and ecc ram what have you gained by your "workstation"?
ECC RAM, so you've got the ability to fix a 1bit of RAM error in byte/word/Dword/Qword (think its per byte), but if it's 2bits it still crashes. So, a workstation which IMO isn't a server and still has the features of desktop computing (i.e. regular shut downs) where does it benifit ECC RAM? ECC is for highly critical work on servers that have to stay up and running almost indefinatly.
Sas drives, hell, lets make a new drive type up that is 100 time better then the current best solution > What are you gaining? Are you really utilizing this to it's full potential? If you are, are you doing this regularily or once in a blue moon?
Server type CPU, what significant advantage have you just gained here, using a server type processor which is probabily running non server type task (desktop software), there isn't because the server grade was designed to meet other requirements like low power consumption, still works on the same standards x86-64bit.
Infact, one of the main reason I would say a workstation uses servergrade would be for the increase of RAM storage and thus a better ability to multi task because these station are for doing productive work, not simple office tasks.
FYI dell has a workstation using intel i5/i7s So now you're are telling me their wrong? What about their laptop "workstation" they're not using server grade CPUs infact some of them are close to matching my laptop I have on me.... The significant difference? More RAM and, ooh look, a quadro FX instead of a gaming one. Labels are cool, no?
As you have just proven, workstation is just a name, an they have the higher-end home hardware or server hardware in it... That makes it a label IMO. Does Dell make money by designing new hardware for all their labels or by throwing their server hardware into an atx case, naming it a workstation?
Why do people not use server grade hardware for "home" solutions... Could it have anything to do with the price? is it cost affective (for the consumer)?
Why is server grade hardware more expensive, Is it because their pushed to their limits to provide high perforamnce with low power? is it meeting a totally different spec that warrants a higher price? yes And why does it not get used for home hardware, because it's too expensive for the consumers and OTT?
Well technically that would be a room for comms gear. Which would be specced quite differently from a room designed for servers to go in.
Well it stands for "common equipment room". or "common telecommunication room" I'm sure there's more.
or you could be more broad and use "equipment room" but comms room sounds nicer :3 unless you want to "get technical" and slap the manual out and insure every type of room is properly named, then we'd have hundreds.
Actually they do because they spend their time making their business work rather than messing about with their computers. Why are be* such a big ISP in such a relatively short period? In no small part because they concentrated on support and marketing and outsourced the entire technical function to Alcatel.
Was refering to hardware companies like shuttle, where people dont buy into them because business are scared of "change" from what their taught is "the best and only solution for businesses " by monopolising companies.
Not general businesses.
Actually it is, there's a reason businesses don't use £70 netgear routers and ADSL lines, there's a reason they buy Dell's Latitude machines rather than cheap Inspirons and it's not to do with spec.
And what sort of business are you talking about here?
Does a small office need the same high spec a datacenter does?
Their equipment room may have the bee's knee's installed but a small office does not need to.. I'll go tell the millionaire i know that his construction and design business is flawd because in his office he has not only old hardware but off the shelf, home hardware and a "home" (well technically its a business one) BT adsl line coming in.
I'm sorry but a trainer coming into someone's business premises, which could be a small office and doing a training session, server grade hardware is not necessary. Keep servers on the servers.
Anyway, this isn't helping the OP. My advice is that there is virtually no way you can go wrong buying a decent off the shelf SFF desktop from HP or Dell and upgrading the RAM as necessary. *IF* you need the performance boost over a decent laptop (which is expensive but is undeniably more convenient).
Ill agree HP and the like are good manufacturers of computers but I wont say you will be discriminated (or should be) for using a shuttle instead or xyz so long as it does the job.