Position of HD



28 Jul 2006
Why do people say that if you mount your HD at a funny angle other then like the perpendicular normal way the drive will die earlier then expected?
If the drive is at an angle the weight isn't distributed evenly across the bearings. This would lead to some bearings doing most of the work and thus not lasting as long.

This is just my view of it. Could be some other reason :)

Sirius B might be correct but more damage is likely to be done by moving the drive(especially while on) than the difference between the angles that the drive is at. You can run any drive horizontally or vertically but once you have a drive set-up in a particular alignment it isn't recommended that you change the orientation. On this basis I'd say if you want to run your drive at 30 deg to horizontal or whatever then it is a bit odd but shouldn't do any real harm.
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