Possible HD failure imminent?

8 Sep 2003
I've got an old 20gb hard drive (the only original peice in my PC) and it's getting rather noisy and I think a new drive is needed. However, just wondering that if the disk is failing but hasn't quite failed will I get a gradual decrease in performance or will it just stop working?
Sounds like we have the same problem, I wrote the same question 2 mins after you d'oh!

Does it take ages to install things on to your HD too?
Nope, doesn't take too long to install anything. The PC itself is fairly quick (AMD64 3500, 1 gb of RAM and another 80gb hard drive).

When im working over christmas I think I'll pick up a new hard drive anyway and some RAM. In the mean time I hope this holds up for another 4 weeks or so.
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