Possible redundancy letter

Thanks for all the responses over these past few weeks, they have been very helpful.

I finally had the meeting today and it is going to be a potential redundancy. They have said something along the lines of - due to both a cost and a need to increase the pace of website improvements, the business is proposing to outsource the development... reasoning for the proposal is be to be able to draw on a blended role and skillset to improve the website and to able to change to a variable cost base that can be flexed and align to business performance.

In the details I will get 2 weeks statutory redundancy and it will be a 6 week notice period.

I am ready to move on and find the next job so I could go ahead and take this. I am thinking of trying to negotiate them allowing me to take at least part of the six weeks as PILON. Is this a reasonable request? This would give me more time to job hunt and go to any potential interviews.

That said, I feel like I could also ask them to consider keeping me at a lower salary point. Either way I want to find a new job, but in the short term it would at least mean that I have a stable source of income. I don't know whether to show this hand though - ie - ask whether they would consider keeping me on at a reduced salary with the intention that I will be looking to find a job within say the next 3/6 months. There is a lot of work still to be done, we actually developed to platforms and while they are focused on the ecommerce site the other one still needs a lot of attention, so I think I can definitely still justify adding a lot of value.

I can understand their reasoning though, I'm not a senior and don't have the experience and skill to be able to add value that a more senior consultant would be able to. This is also why I'm ready to move on, I think getting onto another project will help me broaden my skill and experience.

I have a follow up consultation tomorrow where I will be able to discuss this in more detail.
Have some respect for yourself mate.

Just look for a new job whilst you wait, I presume you are under 2 years and not going to get a decent redundancy package?
If no package, no need to wait and leave as soon as you can.

It will actually be 2 years, so I will get 2 weeks statutory pay.
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