*** Post A Picture Of Yourself Thread *** (But Not Thorpy or Shayper)

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On the left. Although my hairs quite a bit shorter now.

my boyfriend takes lovely pics of me :D[/QUOTE]

Is your boyfriends using a Fisheye lomo camera?

If he owns a chequered scarf and kanye glasses as well slap him for me.
Bet i could beat you up.

Probably. ;)

Kick him in the balls. Easy

Oi! :mad:

and have a massive barrel fall on your foot? I dont think so :D


Kick the barrel so it goes into his balls

Thanks :(

No no, no no.

Flick back of head, barrel falls on his foot, run.

Now that's just mean.

Everyone picks on a muscle man x3

Why :(

I've never felt so much love :p
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