*** Post A Picture Of Yourself Thread *** (But Not Thorpy or Shayper)

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Only recent one of me on facebook! Must update!

I'll join the Halloween fun, but this isn't this years costume. I'm big ears. No, I don't have self esteem issues and only had the balls to go as a sidekick. My pal had already got the stuff for Noddy so I was forced to be his +1.

^^ LMFAO! Ahhh thorpy man!

Was just about scotland the other day.

Mate took this really cute pic of me n the gf Its one of those pics you always look back on when your married and think what happend lmao.


Every expencive glass of red wine ive tasted no matter what it is how much it costs it tastes like waterry ****.

We went to this Indian resteraunt called Karma sutra. The toilet window pains had pics of this dude bangin this chick he had his hand on her nose and he was pinching it man ghetto or what? lmao but the food was banging!


Mmm Cobra
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