*** Post A Picture Of Yourself Thread *** (But Not Thorpy or Shayper)

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meh not really. it just really cracked me up. I did look a bit ridiculous with that mop haha. :D (those shades were my mate's btw honest :o)
A BBQ in the freezing cold, why the **** not! :cool:


Costumes me and 2 mates got the other weekend for a costume party. Cracker of a night, I got stuck with the maids costume though..
They were rentals, although by the end of the night I lost the head piece and the little apron thingy.... They wanted to charge me £100 to replace it but I smooth-talked my way out of it hah.
They were rentals, although by the end of the night I lost the head piece and the little apron thingy.... They wanted to charge me £100 to replace it but I smooth-talked my way out of it hah.

I don't understand how you can smooth-talk your way out of something like that. I wouldn't have let you get away with it if it was my business. :o
No no your right, I meant both. I also went home without the gloves but my other mate had 2 sets when he got up the next morning so got those back.
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