I've just been browsing my facebook account, recalling the good times, and realised I never put up any of my pictures from my Italy trip over the summer. So here are a few pictures I like / find amusing:
This is me up 'the path of the gods' which runs along the Amalfi coast. It's a really rocky / hilly walk that took a good couple of hours. It was over 40 degrees that day (mid-July) and I made the fatal mistake of not taking ANY water, probably dropped a stone that day
Here I'm down some underground aquaduct in Naples. I wanted to get an Indianna Jones-esque picture and it took
ages to get right. I was with a tour group and we all had candles - I was miles behind the group and a girl I met decided to wait for me. When we finally emerged at the end the tour guide said "you know we have cameras in the dark, I'm sure our security had a good laugh watching you two making out

". I didn't really have a come back
This is some lagoon cave thing on the isle of Capri. Although you can't really see it here the water was a lush mix of greens and blues and you could go for a swim through the caves, it was amazing.
Looking forward to exploring again next year