*** Post A Picture Of Yourself Thread *** (But Not Thorpy or Shayper)

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I joke!

I'll try and get a few funny pictures over the summer, I'm going to global gathering this year so should easily manage to get some hilarious ones :D
Your going to GG, ffs :(

I'm working most of the summer, my only highlight is Ed Sheeran in October!
Ed Sheeran is pretty epic! "you need me man I don't need you..."

But yeah, just found an epic pic :D


Think I passed out about 5 mins after this :D
Gah! Tis not lipstick!

And 4p :eek: didn't realise you swung that way... *remembers pic from previous page* oh wait...

Besides, I'm very much straight :D
I'm straight kida :p

We would make a fantastic gay couple though don't worry i won't take that away from you
Students, bunch of losers these days, no redeeming features, same old all around the country, weak and after all the ellie goulding type girls = no.

C'mon, have some style, dont be a SHEEP.
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