So you insult a fellow forum-member then proceed to almost flirt with the remaining ones? You're a card, you are.Doing my washing, for me this involves wearing nothing but a pair of shorts until the process is finished.
So you insult a fellow forum-member then proceed to almost flirt with the remaining ones? You're a card, you are.
~ Rocket Man
moi No Hotlinking!
MarkLP - you see a blue stripy tie and manage to pick out one college from potentially hundres of colleges with blue stripy ties?
Your pc is so damn old and yes, I agree so many photoshop posibilities! hahaha love it!
I would post a picture of myself, but I don't want to cause instant multiple fits of laughter by the female board members
Actually badbob, I'm feeling a little lonely tonight, if you could put up that picture...
Check the host of the picture