Post awesome photos from other photographers!

13 Apr 2004
rick Nunn is one of my favs, very versatile and good imagination with very little equipment.





his photos arent neccessarily 'omfg look at that blah blah blah' but theres certainly a nice sutle quality to them do know providing you credit their name with the photo then you won't have an issue? :)

strictly speaking i think youre wrong, breach of copyright does include from what i remember showing of work in public. just because you provide a credit doesnt make any copyright issues disapear ;)

that and hotlinking images from their servers might be frowned upon ;) in fact hotlinking to images is against forum rules (
I'm going to double check the copyright laws later but I'm sure it's only a breach if you claim it as your own or are making profit from the photo without a license to do so/owners consent.
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 doesnt say its okay under any circumstances from what i userstand (obviously with permission from the author is okay).
Actually, I looked into this...there are exemptions to copyright laws when it comes to non profiting, non commercial and education purposes.

Long as you quote the author or source (very important), and it is discussed in a "forum" as in a educational stance point of view and not a commercial gaining point of view. It is fine.

Think of it like a lecturer putting up a slide on the projector and talk about it with the class.
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Under UK law

Section 29 of the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988 (England and Wales).

(1) Fair dealing with a literary, dramatic, musical, etc, work, for the purpose of research or for a non-commercial purpose, does not infringe any copyright in the work, provided it is accompanied by a sufficient acknowledgement of the source.

Under US copyright law Title 17 of the USC, this would come under fair use

the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;

Under Canadian Law

"allow individuals or organizations to use original works without such use being considered an infringement: criticism and review,"
Urgh, can of worms. There are a number of things wrong with what you've said Raymond, but it would take the thread way off course if I were to go into them (and my own understanding is a bit shakey anyway!). Easy mistakes to make though, as copyright law is insane and often applies very poorly to internet useage.
Urgh, can of worms. There are a number of things wrong with what you've said Raymond, but it would take the thread way off course if I were to go into them.

Bit late for that :( .. there are now more posts regarding copyright, than there are regarding the actual post topic.

Phate and Ray, you are here by now banned from this thread :p
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