Post count Breakdown

9 Aug 2008
Click on your profile and there is a tab called 'post areas' which gives you a breakdown.
Copy Paste all your stats as per below.

I’ll start..

General Discussion 14,491
Windows & Other Software 4,329
Apple Software 2,203
Networks & Internet Connectivity 1,910
Apple Hardware 1,708
Mobile Phones & Tablets 882
GD Archive 791
HTML, Graphics & Programming 716
Servers and Enterprise Solutions 611

You can also post your likes and what nots by going to your reactions page.
Copy Paste all your stats as per below.

All (1,554) Like (1,004) Love (37) Haha (426) Wow (33) Sad (22) Angry (32)
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It only shows the top nine forums you've posted in and if some posts have been moved out of public view (old MM posts, posts in threads we've hidden), they won't show for you either.
/edit - It should be ten but only seems to be nine. Odd.
/edit again - Some people get ten, some get nine. Shall investigate.

For example, for @GaryTheSnail, I see this additional entry:
xxxxxxx xxxx 963

Here's mine:

General Discussion 11,034
Apple Hardware 4,683
xxx xxx xxxxxx 4,337
Apple Software 2,851
Forum Content Discussion 1,246
xxx xxxx xxxx 1,237
Music, Box Office, TV & Books 884
Motorsport 841
GD Archive 766

Post counts are so yesterday anyway, nobody cares about them.

Ah thanks for that explanation. I don’t care about post counts either but it this shows where people are contributing or trying to at least anyway.

It’s not really important in the grand scheme of things. Not really trying to dig further into anything just a bit of fun.

I wonder if the xxx xxxx xxx one is members market. That’s all I can think of.
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I notice from a lot of people's lists that the Project Logs section isn't as popular as I think it should be, which I think is a bit of a shame. Looking at my pitiful contribution to the section even I should interact more :D. The Like system is probably to blame, easier just to click a like rather than leaving an actual comment.

Believe it or not a lot of people don't come on these forums to sit talk about tech stuff. It's obvious in this thread alone most people hang out in GD. Stats prove it.
I totally get that and the evidence backs it up. However, as the average age of users creeps up and it becomes less of a tech orientated forum and more dadsnet I can see it becoming a thorn in OCUKs side, costing them money for little gain. I wonder how much the free shipping costs them each year (the real reason why the GD post count was nerfed?).

Not sure but I bet there's a lot of people on here that don't order from OcUK. Running costs must be through the roof.
I find it amusing that we're not seeing any of the people who only post in MM sharing their content here.

These are the approximate figures from one member who I'm not going to name. I say approximate because I've tweaked them a little bit to preserve anonymity.

For Sale PC Hardware & Software 1,667
Wanted 682
(old dead MM threads) 495
For Sale Audio & Visual 128
PC Games 90
For Sale Console Hardware & Software 80
Price Checks 23
For Sale Mobile Phones 10

Even if you think you've worked out who it is, please don't post any names.

That's strange... MM doesn't show up on my post area. Is it supposed too?
We're working on it, they've been spoken to and given a grace period as per our rules.

As has been hinted on already in the recent post count threads, there's a lot more going on behind the scenes than you chaps are aware of.

As usual Feek, lots of hard work on-going by you lot!

Much appreciated by many people.

EDIT: Peter is laughing, Peter is lucky he is not one of those MM users. :cry:
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