Post count

Everyone calm down please. The BoE have this situation under control. Umm..

Peeps mortgages are becoming unaffordable very quickly and we are arguing about post counts?

Bottom line is… forum needs to be protected from individuals who are clearly out to abuse the MM access.

I don’t want to be scammed or read rubbish posts where someone is clearly trying to play the system.

And it is only right we have controls in place to stop the potential abuse.
You still have about 4 months left before you meet the minimum time threshold. So post in the other sub-forums, nothing stopping you :)

Edit: apologies I misread the year of your reg. My point re: the other areas still stands.
Ive been enjoying forums since I started playing Halflife AG (AG is important ). I understand you guys have a tough time now but a sledge hammer and nut isnt the way to go surely. BTW I was enjoying/reading this forum for 20+ years. I am also a old customer
Everyone calm down please. The BoE have this situation under control. Umm..

Peeps mortgages are becoming unaffordable very quickly and we are arguing about post counts?

Bottom line is… forum needs to be protected from individuals who are clearly out to abuse the MM access.

I don’t want to be scammed or read rubbish posts where someone is clearly trying to play the system.

And it is only right we have controls in place to stop the potential abuse.
The GD economy is in shambles!
Was wearing the t-shirt on the right today.

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Ive been enjoying forums since I started playing Halflife AG (AG is important ). I understand you guys have a tough time now but a sledge hammer and nut isnt the way to go surely. BTW I was enjoying/reading this forum for 20+ years. I am also a old customer

And there’s nothing stopping you to continue to do so. If it’s taken you 20 years to sign up and have your post count, then you are completely unaffected by this change, as it’s clear you’ve never had the intention of wanting MM access.
Funnily enough I noticed this a couple weeks back, but (in my paranoia) assumed I'd been put on some kind of naughty step.

Now, to add insult to injury, I learn I'm not even special :(
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