[POST PROCESSING] Edit the RAW thread

13 Apr 2004
I thought we could have a bit of fun and hand over creative licence to someone else. I'll kick it off with this. Click the picture to get the RAW. Bare in mind that RAWs can be 20MB or more!

I guess someone else can edit the file and post the results. Then we can compare with what everyone else has done.

I don't know how we'll work out who posts the next RAW. Maybe it can just edit whatever anyone else throws up? We'll make it up as we go along.

Don't be boring and use a preset :)
Hopefully we won't get the 'GD lol photoshop' crew here. Trying to keep it semi-serious ;)
I did the boring thing, slight rotation and healed some of her spots. Is it wrong to take out her nose stud? :)

If I was skilled, I would fix the split wood next to her head.
You got any 'throw-aways' we can play with?
Firstly, how the hell is this a spare! It's a great shot :)
Secondly, on to business!


Might be a good learning experiment for people to guess what changes were made? :p
On second look, it's far too orange. I should have reduced that a bit more.
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It's not that. I just don't want other people thinking it's my shot. I would have so much more views if I stole some pictures from here!
bigger one

You like my edit?
I thought he was being sarcastic, but I see nothing offensive to me eyes in your edit!


The thumbnail has screwed it up, so click the second one for a better quality. I turned it into some sort of model shoot? :p
Added a bit of vertical lens correction, can you spot it?
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I guess it goes in phases. You might like Jared Polin on YouTube. Boomify.
Personally, I don't mind it. There's a time and place for any type of processing and I won't limit myself to any kind of style.
This one took a bit more work as you can see it is out of focus.
Adjusted white balance, lots of cloning and sharpening and straightened it a bit.

E. by Clwn, on Flickr
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7iKWw.jpg As usual, click the picture for the RAW.

Richmond Park. by Clwn, on Flickr

Right. Cloned out some of the orange bush in the foreground and the tree at the top. Made the image slightly warmer and more contrasty. Turned down some saturation because it was just too harsh. Finished with a tiny bit of vignetting.
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