Post what programming languages you know

Linux shell scripting is probably my main outside of the survey software packages we use.

Lots of web based work so have average to good PHP, html/css skills with some javascript knowledge for kicks. MySQL not so much, but I've played around with the basics.

From an older life, some limited SQL and VB know how but that's going to be out of date by a good number of years by now.
A while ago......

ZX81 Basic & Z80
BBC Basic & 6502
Amiga Basic (Was is AMOS ?) & 68000

More recently......

My central heating timer
Various video recorders and alarm clocks
I have left programming pretty much behind me, but back in the day (cue hovis advert music):
Z80 & 6502 assembler
Pascal (my fave), C, C++
lisp (((within AutoCAD))), perl, bit of java
various command shell scripts

The most complex thing I've written (and probably most proud of) is a real-time interpreted scripting language including a recursive arithmetic expression evaluator.
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