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Post Your 3DMark2K1/2K3 results here

Without trawling through the whoel thread....

24505 - 2001
12776 - 2003
5464 - 2005

Do these scores look OK for the rig in my sig?
Go for ATiTool here.

It's simple to use. Click find max memory. It will automatically find the maximum memory. If the screen goes completely fuzzy during this process, don't worry, just restart noting at what point it went fuzzy. Take 5mhz away from this and this is your maximum memory. (Do not set it yet though, just remember the figure). Repeat for the core. If your computer locks up during this test, just hard reboot and again take 5mhz away from lockup point and this is your max core. Then set the values manually and click 'set clock'. Then click 'new' and name your overclock - this will save it. Watch the temperatures throughout and make sure they aren't dipping into the 70's. You really want a max temp of about 65C. Once you have set the clock, let it run an artifact scan for about 30mins. This should turn up no artifacts and if it does drop the memory first in increments of 2mhz until it goes away. If it hasnt gone after about 10mhz, it's the core that is causing it and put the memory back to the set figure and drop the core instead. I hope this helps.

BTW, you MUST disable temporal anti-aliasing from the ATi Control Panel as ATiTool can sometimes mistake this for artifacts.

Cheers matey
Just tried 2005 on my new laptop and got dead on 3000

1.73GHz pentium m
1280mb ddr2 ram
intel 915 chipset
nvidia geforce 6800go 256mb
and a clean install of xp

the graphics come clocked slower than the reference design from nvidia so should be able to get at least another 500 points
Now that the 7800GTX's are out I guess it is only a matter of time before we get some uber high scores. Given that these are considered the next gen cards I may have to include them in their own table if they just dominate the rest of the current next gen cards. As well as making an SLI only table. If people agree with this then expect a revision of the tables over the next day or so.
so its been a few days and no posts yet for the new 7800gtx's.

Would be nice to start including them in the tables and seeing how much better they are than the current crop of cards.
They are all too ashamed :p.

I jest, they'll probably cream the current crop of cards. I want to see some results!!!
mp260767 said:
think i saw rilot post a measure of 8000+ on 3dmark05 with his water cooled 7800 but he was waiting on dual processors and still tatting about with the overclock, hope he hasnt got bored yet :D

It was ~9500 IIRC.
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