Post your dad music in this thre

29 Aug 2007
This is quite good and only partly because it's compressed to 90's levels of 8 LUF so have at it.

e: Rad As you like:


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Hey there, Jabroni. I'd love to contribute to what will inevitably be the hottest thread of 2021, but what's "Dad music" exactly?
Hi there, contributor of words!

Dad music is, I think, HOT, being rad and being in the moment, but also flip as heck, but also sexy.

Do you have what it takes?

^ This is actually really well produced so gets DAD FIVE STARS
This is super well produced. Butch Vig knows what he's doing.

e: DAD 4.4 of 5.

e2: oh hello.

e3: Oh, now Curve.

e4: RAD DAD 6 of 5!

e5: CRANK the BBQ! thank you

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In my eyes a very Dad track would be Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd - I'm sure that Dad's everywhere can imagine the rolling of the eyes as you explain to your uncultured ratbag kids the genius behind Pink Floyd's vision of Prog Rock; particularly as you point out the songwriting and musical skill required to create a full album lke Dark Side of the Moon meant to be played in its entirety on vinyl rather than having the odd track plucked out and played over the rubbish tinny speakers from a phone while you're sat on a park bench

Of course, if as a Dad you're after some good lookin' ladies half your age to perv over, there's always this music video:

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