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I've stopped taking pictures of cars but I came across these and I had to.


C63 AMG Black Series!

Out of focus :( was in a crowded area (Harrods) so I just wanted to take one and get out before people thought I was part of the car-parazzi :p


Pagani Huayra

Whoops, don't know how to resize it from phone.

To be fair, it's not very clearly marked. The space should hashed out or something. Took me a bit to notice what was wrong, and that is with the massive photo ;)

Get a image resize app. Mine's called simple resize :p
Poor quality picture. Some of you guys may remember the guy from this thread Who was caught doing 113mph whilst overtaking and banned for 6 months. He is now letting his child who looks about 6 steer his car around our local Asda carpark. Personally i'd of took my kid to somewhere empty and safe if I was going to let der drive my car :p I'd never let her drive the Porsche though ;)

grab screenshot
Saw a Toyota Aygo 3.2 V6 today.

Funnily enough the 3.2 badge looked distinctly Audi style and the V6 very reminiscent of a Rover...
I saw a new-shape M5 today on the M25 near Bluewater with the plate TUI and then a series of 4 numbers. That plate seems really familiar, is it someone on here?
I've seem a few interesting cars recently:

This was in the local Sainsburys.

Saw this in Finland. I thought it made a nice photo- any idea what car it is?

Saw this Smart car bike locked tothe railing is Bournemouth...

I don't normally like cars like this, but I thought this was quite tasteful, except the... air deflectors? on the front bumper.

This was in the local Sainsbury's car park.

This was at Heathrow.
Yeah it's been a standing joke that she's bashed her car up, over a couple of years I'd never seen it until I was sent these pics today..

How do you put a hole in a car?! An actual hole!

I'm also fairly sure most of the damage has come from walls and other inanimate objects.

She is a disaster though lol, bless her :)
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