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:D 1990 XJS 3.6 straight 6 - 221BHP


Look at this interior mintness:

Ooooooooh you'd look hot AF in that :cool:
I think its both cool & uncool. Cool as in retro late 20th century classic sitting there outside whatever castle that is.
Uncool when you are driving said 'classic' & all of a sudden it breaks down due to its 'legendary Jaguar electrics reliablity' :p in the middle of nowhere & the weather is diabolical, the breakdown vehicle cant get to you for hours, then you suddenly want to do a no. 2 :D

I drove a late 80's v12 one a few years ago into London (it was on my bucket list when I was a teenager, mistake :rolleyes:), I'm surprised it made it into London, let alone there & back.
I guess it's all down to maintenance! These owners of this (and the 69 VW Speedster & Beetle are all seriously into their classics and the level of maintenance is unreal. The engine bays looked like new, too.

The castle is Portchester Castle where I did the photos as part of my local cars photo essay project. I'll post more once they leave the Lightroom!
It's true, nothing like fire protection than hunching next to pieces of wood :cool:


Thing sounded and smelt immense, it's the original 1.3 engine.
Seemed fairly obvious it was an XJS ;)

That Moggy is lovely.

And that poor K11 didn't deserve to be done that way. :(
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