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The Griffon engine is the same as the Merlin engine, however it has a supercharger fitted to help it breathe at higher altitudes. The Spitfire has one of them, the Shackleton has four, as does the Lancaster. The Shackleton was a submarine detection system which used to patrol the perimeter of the UK looking for enemy submarines.

There was one at Coventry Airbase which I volunteered on a few times, most notably fitting the refurbished tail gear. It would occasionally run its four Griffons up on show days:

One thing I'll say is that if I never have to touch another piece of Whitworth thread ever again, I'll be happy.

The Merlin and Griffon engines are completely different. The Merlin is a 27ltr V12 and first ran in the early 30s, whilst the Griffon is 37ltrs and didn't run until 1939. Both were supercharged and both fitted to the Spitfire at different stages of its development. The Shackleton only ever used the Griffon.
Rolls-Royces own MkXIX PR plane has a Shackleton variant. This damage report from a taxiway incident details the engine type. The RG30 is otherwise known as the 58 which is the Shackleton engine.
And it has an extra long tail compared to even the regular griffon due the extra power and torque. Your education is provided as my privilege
Interesting spot today. Have to confess I had no idea what it was. Got the missus to take a video MOT checker says it's a Lotus Europa...but looking at some images online, the rear deck looks totally different. Never seen one in the flesh before. Regardless, looked like it might be a bit of a handful on a misty, damp, cold day like today.

Nice spot, that Europa has been heavily modified to look like a 1969 Gold Leaf Lotus 62 I believe, sadly my memory is not what it used to be.
The Merlin and Griffon engines are completely different. The Merlin is a 27ltr V12 and first ran in the early 30s, whilst the Griffon is 37ltrs and didn't run until 1939. Both were supercharged and both fitted to the Spitfire at different stages of its development. The Shackleton only ever used the Griffon.

Interesting! I was lead to believe (by the people who ran the Shackleton Preservation Trust no less!) that they were the same engines. I'm going to need to do some more research then. Cheers :)

Oh man...
That rear wiper really messes with the aesthetics.
I'm in Canada for a few days on business, couple of hours north east of Toronto and have just seen a Cybertruck at the crossroads outside my hotel. Looks just as silly in the flesh as it does in pictures. Was too slow to snap one myself (it's like minus 5 and I didn't have time nor the inclination to start removing gloves and fumbling with my phone).

Also saw an MG Cyberster parked in Gatwick long stay a few days back. That actually looks pretty nice.
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I can't believe that scrapheap is still going, the metals in the frame must have so much fatigue by now that it'll just fold up in an impact :D
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