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Okay, I'm really really sorry, but it's been bugging me everytime it's been posted in this thread.

It's a Maserati GranTurismo. Not a Maserati Turismo. That is all.

(Yes I realise it has no relevance to the on-going Hummer discussion)
There is two H3s in my village and the look so out of place, vary to big and just more money than sense.

Plus they sounded awful.

Saw these while driving through Jesmond earlier today.





Also saw a Maserati Granturismo parked up on someones drive. Oh and saw Scott parker having a stroll up the road lolz.
Just saw my first Brera parked up near my house, but couldn't get a pic :(

Looked awesome in red, and much better in RL than when I have seen it on TV.
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