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Just a few that are sat on a phone.


Audi DTM


Like Audis new badge :P
is that a tow bar aswell?

to be fair it doesnt look out of place aslong as its an st170 which it looks like. many mondeo st24 owners use the new ST badge and it looks tidy..
I was in London walking/driving around for photos with some peeps over the past 3 days, I said I'd snap a prancing horse and man, I did :P

Oh and also a 911



See that building on the right hand side? the one with the green glass panels? I WORK in that building :p

I see that 997 all the time :D
A 720d would be pointless anyway.

You would be able to walk faster :p

I think* they do a 720d for the European market iirc which is not available in the U.K. a bit like the old e38 740d was never launched over here.....

* Emphasis on "I think" I'm probably wrong..... :o
I think* they do a 720d for the European market iirc which is not available in the U.K. a bit like the old e38 740d was never launched over here.....

* Emphasis on "I think" I'm probably wrong..... :o

Was still a very nice car, and house to match, the place was HUGE, and after my Dad came out they shut the gates.. all electric. :D
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