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jamoor said:
sup worksop buddies, we ought to have a mini meet some time ;)
I go to worksop college.

lol, worksop has a college? i only lived there for a month as temp accomodation when i first got a job in Sheffield, was commuting in via train every day until i got a place in sheff.


Blockers in CS:S and Blockers in Real life...:/
h my phone cam worked better at night. I was following a Fiat Panda last night with OZ and Pipercross stickers on the boot along with an approx 3" zorst :p
A woman at my old works drove one of them. I like them. Pretty nippy car too.

Not bad seeing a 44yr Milf driving around in one :D
Kinda like a mate of mines.

I kinda like it. Dont like the bonet though and the silly reg style. Apart from that, pretty nice car. Good colour imo.
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