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gord said:
Did you see it happen? Was it the coppers fault..?

Yes, albeit from a long way back.

As I saw it, the copper was flying up the off side going WAY too fast, the Rover driver just wandered over into the off side lane , the copper, due to his excessive speed, could'nt stop and "bang".

Yes, the Rover driver was'nt driving with his brain engaged, but, the copper was imo,speeding, without blues, setting a great but typical example of driving in the London area. :rolleyes:
Going past the local ford dealer on the bus today and I saw this in the window, so I promptly hopped off the bus and investigated.




Very impressive car and its absolutely massive, much bigger than a lamborghini or a db9, but the build quality was a bit poor. The interior did look very snazzy but outside there seemed to be a lot of sharp edges and plastic bits that didn't seem to justify its price tag.
Last night (Friday), i was in my local (even though it's in the city centre), and i was looking through the window, when this F430 comes round the corner, and goes the wrong way up a one way street (Westfield Terrace for the locals). 30 seconds later, he comes the right way down the street, and parks up right in front of me. I swear the guy isn't old enough to shave yet (He's 23 according to my brother, after i told him the reg no). But, enough of my jelousy, here's the pic.


Rosso Corsa, cream leather, yellow brake callipers, scuderia shields, and F1 (flappy paddle) gearbox, and different (Challenge?) wheels. I must have stared at that thing for about half an hour before he came back and drove away.

EDIT: Darn. Pic won't work because U R are next to each other in the file name. It'll be working later.

EDIT 2: Re uploaded it, and now it has a different file name, so it works.
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was just on my way back home, and did a U turn to follow this for about 5 miles with my mate getting some pics. my god, the sound :eek: he only blipped the throttle once and overtook 2 cars but the sheer speed and noise was simply awsome. NEVER thought id see one in the flesh, and around stafford either!




Bennah said:
Did you over take too ? :D

Somehow i didnt have enough room in my volvo :D but those cars turned off about 200 yards further down the road, enabling me to get more vid/pics :D

the speed at which he overtook was staggering.
Nozzer said:
In a 400bhp+ sports car, you'd be surprised how little room you need to overtake :).

im aware of that, its still not the best place to be overtaking, he was still out when it was going blind
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