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See the picture of the last Fiesta Janesy_B posted what are those alloys called? Everyone I know calls them pepper pots. and still want them for newer fiestas lol
Aye, no idea why you would get rid of them for steelies though!

what'd ya know! it is a supersport :cool:
The vehicle WEV374W, a Ford Fiesta Supersport

Know me stuff I do :cool:

It was possible that the car was a 1.1l and when the V5 was sent away they've changed the model. You can tell a Supersport shell from the rest as they have a bulge on the rear valance that others don't have. Didn't look close enough to notice on this one.
Not sure what type of corvette this beauty is but caught it on the way to my hostel in Boston USA last week :)

Couple of pics from the mobile as of recent:

Lovely bad ass Camaro :cool:

Insane Truck - where the bonnet started was way higher than me (6ft3) :eek:
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