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Briefly spotted a nice looking 2 door barge (Possibly a new Rolls/Bently) on the m25 with the reg 33 BM, but its certainly wasnt a Ranger Rover!

looked very nice indeed, Mrs was too slow with the iphone to get a pic

Spotted this on way to Notts this morning.
In the middle of the night the other day saw something rather large coming the other way, fully expecting it to be a combine when one of these roared past!! Massive thing and so loud!!

In the middle of the night the other day saw something rather large coming the other way, fully expecting it to be a combine when one of these roared past!! Massive thing and so loud!!

Saw one of those once up my way. thing dominated the road. so much so he knew no one was going to stop him and just kept forcing people ou the way lol
Ferrari 355 convertible. Guessing the owner was nearby, having left the top down! There's often flash cars round there, but usually of the huge Bentley variety, nothing sexy like this. I think the restaurant in the background is quite posh and attracts the rich posh car owners.

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