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I bet that does about 8 miles to the gallon.
Chap in my work has similar and never takes it out as it only does about 8 miles to the gallon. But lovely.

If you like this type of style watch American Graffiti Its a good film
I liked the car but the alloys spoilt it for me if I'm honest. I didn't get to hear it fire up and drive off as we wandered down to the beach and it was gone by the time we got back. :(
A 1973 Bristol 411 spotted in Bristol :p



I swear to the power of greyskull that some people must do spit like that just for the lulz. It's the only explanation!
Good spot. Haven't seen one of those yet - the new E-Class appears to be popular, I'm seeing loads about... quite a few them being white.

I saw the number plate C 8UTT on a A4 today which made me chuckle :p Though I'm not sure whether he was intending what I construed it as or if it was his name etc
The Black M5 (X10 NCH)? I see that quite often. Most the time pretty dirty if I'm honest :p

Aye, that's the one. Think that's the one I posted parked in a disabled space a while back.

Still need to get one of the monster Bentley barges with the disabled badges, now I think about it.
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