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Working around the park lane area today, the usual affluent vehicles along with something a lot more exotic ;)



Just like the design of the car where the designer gave up and went to play some TF2 or something half way through, the name choosers also buggered off half way naming the thing to probably eat a sandwich.
The SLS AMG was on King Street again today, so anyone in central Manchester who wants to go jerk off over one in the flesh probably has a reasonable chance on a work day, it seems....
Unfortunately don't have a picture since mobs/cams are banned but we had a 2 seater Indy car at work today. Weird seeing one with 2 seats, thought it was an F1 car till they took the wrapping off.

On way home from college yesterday spotted the following:

Audi A8 W12
Audi S8
Audi TT Rs
Evo 8 FQ360 (I think)

Was especially impressed by the A8 W12. Very intimitadating!
Not a car as such... Saw an ad on the back of a bus for the "Northwest BMW specialists" complete with a picture of a nice shiny Audi R8. Erm.

Their website says they specialise in all German cars, but even so.

I went to look at a 650i last weekend (you can just see it on the left). This guy has a massive (lovely) gated house in the countryside, Rottweiler guard dogs, and hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of Bentley, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche and Range Rover, including the above, all garaged impeccably in expensive-looking wooden houses!

Cars weren't even his main line of business!
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