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no blur on the pics raymond? I call bs that they are yours :p

Tis a very awesome looking car that!

Saw a merc today, something like an SL500 with the plate..

124 ABC

I couldn't help thinking.. so close.. epic fail

Do you think they've got an affinity with 124 ABC or either they couldn't get or couldn't afford 123 ABC?

I don't get private plates.
A pretty rare spot in a random city car park. Lancia Beta anyone?


Surprisingly good nick too, could use a good wash & polish but on the outside atleast it was alright. Also seen a new M5 (silver) while out at work and it may not be amazing to look at but it just like an M5 should be. If it wasn't for the vents in the wing I wouldn't have given it a second look with the colour it was wearing but after noticing them I couldn't look at it.
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