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Is that for real?

Is this a real 4.0? why would one put those wheels on there...

of course it is

While not usually a BMW admirer.. These do look good

and ill just leave this here.. It wouldn't be my preferred colour scheme..

No pics as I was riding at the time but I was behind a white Lexus ISF yesterday afternoon whilst out on the bike. First one I've seen on the roads around here. Not much to give away it's identity at the back other than those exhaust pipes which naturally as a bit of a petrol head I spotted immediately. Had a bit of a play with him for about 10 miles or so before I decided to press on and overtook. Very quick car and it seemed well planted on the road during cornering. Couldn't really hear what it sounded like "on song" because I was on the bike which was a pity. :)
Saw a brand new pearlescent white SL63 AMG and mother of God, it was breathtakingly beautiful. Got to be one of the best looking cars I've ever seen.

No pics as it was outside a packed restaurant. :p

Edit: Hmm, seems to have been the IWC edition. Quite rare!
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