Post your extra large prints


You are turning it wrong... :p
It had to be done with words like "Copy" "Right".

But yea, beautiful shots indeed~
Off the top of my head I've got seven of my own shots as either A2 or 20"x30" prints at various places through the house.

In the hall I've got this one, interestingly I forgot to tell the framer which way it should hang so he guessed at a portrait orientation so a clockwise rotation on the shot below. It looks far better than the landscape one...


In the office I've got these three:




In the next few years I AM going to own a 225!:p

The largest I have printed is 24x16 myself, which is quite large (IMO), don't know how bigger ones would fit!

This one


Do all of you lot actually use glass and frames to mount your large shots? It must cost a fortune.
Woah... some really amazing shots on here! Hope I can take pictures like this one day.

I'm literally just starting out with my Nikon D40 :-D
Do all of you lot actually use glass and frames to mount your large shots? It must cost a fortune.
I've only had a couple of mine professionally framed, IIRC they were about £45 each for A2 originals, both double mounted with fairly sizeable frames.

The rest are in Ikea frames with hand cut mounts and no glass / perspex.

The largest I have printed is 24x16 myself, which is quite large (IMO), don't know how bigger ones would fit!
I ended up bying a bigger house :( That's a cracking shot btw.
I've got this hung on my wall now. Was taken at the London trip in March, got the spacers for hanging it through the post this week. Excuse the mess below, still no graphics card on my pc so using the laptop instead. 800 x 400 mm Pano of the Houses of Parliament printed on Forex Sheet.

random bump cos I'll be posting something when i get home.....didn't realise it had been done until i walked past a shop today but quite impressed seeing one on my images MASSIVE!
This has been printed large on canvas for members of the family, I don't have one though as we don't have the room!

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