humble brag
Looks amazing, where are you?
im down in devon, middle of nowhere, so internet is terrible....
its been along time in the making of that garden, its gone though a large number of changes, when we bought the place the soil was heavy clay, the other thing that was there was large weeds, it was a little bungalow that was falling apart, could not live in it
we started by taking a flamethrower to most of the grounds just leaving that back hedge on the left of the second pic, it used to be about 8ft higher than it is now a couple years ago
brought in loads of soil to cover the whole area, turned the right hand side of the first pic into an apple orchard, all fenced off had a big ditch between the two to stop flooding at certain times of year
pond was done just because i wanted one tbh, always loved a water feature, and just needed more than all grass, its a bit too much grass
pond turned out too big so fill in abit and now use that part like a filter before the pump
we had lots of flowerbeds and rose garden at one point, looked great but too much work to try and manage, so ripped it all out and planted bushes instead, overtime we have learnt some of the bushes grow too quick and block the light from anything else to grow under it leaving big ugly gaps, other areas just get eaten so its always a nasty looking gap
so over the next 5 years we intend to address those areas and deal with some of the ugly parts, for example a couple of posts up you can see on the left a brick shape, it was first built as a nice bbq, then it turned into being used to burn garden waste, now its just an ugly area with nasty plants around it, likely we will try and turn it back into a bbq or remove it completely
but we have been here for about 30 years now, and still not got it right
our current project with the big glass doors and the shed you can see 4 pics up, hopefully will be 50% complete by the end of next week, brother in law is up there doing that garden atm, we have designed the 50% he is doing, the front garden is just going to be tidied up a bit, its about 4m sq which is most just hedge atm with a small walkway, so plan to open that up little bit later down the line, but for now its just clean it up so its looking ok
ill try and post some pics of the completed area when its done