Post Your Garden!

Think about how you'll remove the stumps. Traditional method is grinding them out. You can rent a machine for about £100 or get someone to do it. Because I have a lot of small trees I used an alternative method and bought a 1.5t engine crane and chain. Chainsaw to about two foot high and then literally ripped the stumps out from their roots! Cost the same as a days rental and I have an extra bit of kit which i love hoarding.

That is cool, I could do with one of those.
Thanks! Think I may be better removing the whole thing and starting again, as it's majorly overgrown in every direction. Got another one around the side which has overgrown into the washing line which does have something nesting in it.
I'd take it out, they grow quick and take a lot of fiddling to keep it looking decent. As mentioned its a pain as you can't just cut them back a bit as its all dead behind it. They're a bit of a space hoover :p
I really need to do something with this rose as it's getting a bit out of hand..


Argh ignore what people have said and get some professional advice on keeping it in shape thats a gorgeous thing I know people who would give their right arm for something like that. Unless its a rambler hacking it back will gut the life out of it.

I was sat on the lawn mower today having a little mid-mow break and thought I really do like a splash of colour, shame it doesn't last all year round.


This picture would make a really sadistic jigsaw puzzle.


What a lovely collection of rhododendron and pieris. Again you're a lucky man you need the right soil to be able to grow those (light, acidic) I've never had any success with them. Monkey puzzle too (araucaria) somebody knew their plants.
What a lovely collection of rhododendron and pieris. Again you're a lucky man you need the right soil to be able to grow those (light, acidic) I've never had any success with them. Monkey puzzle too (araucaria) somebody knew their plants.

Thanks, I have to admit it's the previous owners of the house we have to thank. We are just keeping it check and adding bits as we go along. Keen eye on spotting the monkey puzzle tree, it's a fair size now but it's still a bit of a hazard mowing near it, pretty sharp. There's another at the front of the house but it's being crowded out by other trees, something I'll eventually sort out.
Has anyone ordered a custom sail before? I want to put one onto my pergola I made so looking for recommendations :)
Why oh why oh why has my dog decided that summer is the time to go back to doing "lady wees" on the lawn?

We had the garden done last year so a new lawn, he was a little puppy and didn't know how to **** (OCUK this is not a sweary lol, there are legit uses for that word that don't mean man sausage) his leg so wrecked the grass. Then we planted the borders just as he learned and he went around merrily killing everything over winter. Then spring/summer rolls around and I go to work fixing the lawn just as he stops peeing on the sides and goes back to a nice big manspread and pee on the lawn giving me back all my brown patches lol.

Still love him.
After the storms in Feb we finally got round to ripping out the stupid wall on the right side of our garden along with the broken fencing and replacing it all.

It hasn't been cheap since we're starting from scratch, moving ~7 tons of bricks by hand through the house for a grab lorry to collect and buying 18 panels, posts, gravel boards etc but much nicer now :)



Ripped the other brick wall out and crappy concrete after the new fencing was put up.



Planted some grass seed and scarified the lawn twice over (pic taken about 3 weeks later)

And some fencing to cover the veggie patch/man cave a bit

Next step is to do the other sides fencing, then get some sleepers in for raised flower beds, then demolish the smaller mancave and clad the bigger man cave so it looks nicer :)
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