You don't need to see anybody else's setup really. The following are rough guidelines. You can use VR in nearly any space where you can stand and swing your arms. But, more space = better experience and less chance of breaking anything.
You need an area at least 2.5m by 2.5m. IF you are using the Rift you will need 3 sensors for that area, if you go any bigger you will need 4 sensors. You will need a USB 3 extension cable and a HDMI extension cable. The extra sensors come with their own extension cable. Depending on where your computer is placed in the room, you might need a couple more USB extension cables for the front sensors.
Placement, just put a sensor in each corner of the room, above head height so they are looking down onto the play area. There is an app out on Oculus that lets you see what the sensors are seeing so you can fine tune the placement.
There isn't really anything complicated about it. Getting a big enough area to play is the hardest thing.