Pot Rice - Chicken Curry!

Compared to the 30 minutes max it takes to cook a good meal.

How long does a pot noodle takes to make by the way? Its like 5 minutes isnt it?

30 minutes might be too long for some people, and 5 minutes is great for what is meant to be a snack food and not a meal.
Anyone remember Pot Mash? They were delicious - haven't seen them in years though.

Oh, and food police: Nobody's forcing you to buy them, why does it matter if other people do? Go away please.
Pot Noodles aren't that bad for you anymore, they're really cleared up the list of ingredients, which is why a lot of people have gone off the taste. I know they're not exactly field fresh or anything, but neither is a Big Mac when you think about it. Don't really think a little of anything you fancy as part of a decent diet is terribly unhealthy.

I really liked the idea of making your own version from scratch though, putting quick cook noodles and thinly sliced veg and ingredients into a tupperware "pot" and having a little bottle with stock powder and flavours like soy sauce in it. River cottage did them not that long ago and I fancied a try but forgot about it.

Oh and those curry rice ones were my absolute favourite. Not as stodgy as the noodles. Not seen them in ages and since I'm living in England now, I've not seen a Dunnes in 10 years... sigh.
The curry rice ones were really nice. Used to go well made extra thick and spread on a cheese sandwich.
Pot Noodles aren't that bad for you anymore, they're really cleared up the list of ingredients, which is why a lot of people have gone off the taste. I know they're not exactly field fresh or anything, but neither is a Big Mac when you think about it. Don't really think a little of anything you fancy as part of a decent diet is terribly unhealthy.

I really liked the idea of making your own version from scratch though, putting quick cook noodles and thinly sliced veg and ingredients into a tupperware "pot" and having a little bottle with stock powder and flavours like soy sauce in it. River cottage did them not that long ago and I fancied a try but forgot about it.

Oh and those curry rice ones were my absolute favourite. Not as stodgy as the noodles. Not seen them in ages and since I'm living in England now, I've not seen a Dunnes in 10 years... sigh.

i have a dunnes near me, will have a gander see if they have these in.
OMG ive not seen those in years,I thought they were also discontinued.

I bet if you can still get them in certian places though they are not the same,even pot noodles these days are nowhere near as nice as they once was....cutting down on all the Ingredients :/ and its not as if pot noodles are cheap really they keep putting them up in asda.
OMG ive not seen those in years,I thought they were also discontinued.

I bet if you can still get them in certian places though they are not the same,even pot noodles these days are nowhere near as nice as they once was....cutting down on all the Ingredients :/ and its not as if pot noodles are cheap really they keep putting them up in asda.

on offer for 50p last week when i was in there! (pot noodle)
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