Potential Solar panels

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7 Jun 2022
Hi, I'm thinking about getting solar panels and maybe a battery, with energy prices only ever going up we're thinking for the future, l'm realistic and know they struggle abit for a couple of months in winter but anything helps, we live on the south coast in a larger victorian terrece and use about 7 kW a day in the winter and maybe 5 in the summer, they would be purchased outright so am not going to obsess about when they're going to pay for themselves, I've heard people top up batteries with 'cheaper' energy at night and use through the day, any advice would be gratefully received. Thanks
You've already posted this in the solar discussion thread in the home and garden section.

Edit: apologies maybe not you, but there is a large thread already.

Yeah I did see this thread, started to get a bit aggro by the looks of it and going of topic of what the original question was. Thanks
This is the calculator I used to work out payback.

Go into advance and put in what you think the cost of electric will be.

Unfortunately cost of install is going up up up so payback will get harder.

I got my solar installed about 2 months ago and am waiting on my 9kwh battery.

So far my experience is we can only use about 45% of what we generate, most goes out to the grid. If you don’t have a method of using it (water tank, EV or battery) you get paid basically nothing for it.

Therefore a battery is essentially. The advantage is that this can power the house during the night when you have spare generation. During the winter you can charge you battery at very cheep rates (look up octopus go).

My view is clear, 30+p / KWH is with us for a long time. I think it will go up a lot more over the next 18-24 months.
What was the reason you had solar installed?
This is the calculator I used to work out payback.

Go into advance and put in what you think the cost of electric will be.

Unfortunately cost of install is going up up up so payback will get harder.

I got my solar installed about 2 months ago and am waiting on my 9kwh battery.

So far my experience is we can only use about 45% of what we generate, most goes out to the grid. If you don’t have a method of using it (water tank, EV or battery) you get paid basically nothing for it.

Therefore a battery is essentially. The advantage is that this can power the house during the night when you have spare generation. During the winter you can charge you battery at very cheep rates (look up octopus go).

My view is clear, 30+p / KWH is with us for a long time. I think it will go up a lot more over the next 18-24 months.
Does this calculator take into account using a battery to charge up on cheaper energy at night?
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