Pottering around the garden

17 Oct 2002
Deepest Darkest Leics
Went pottering around the garden after lunch, just before the heavens opened. Got a few pics I wouldn't mind critiques or comments on if anyone would be so kind. I've added a few comments to show how I feel about them:

First one I took, and my favourite. I love the texture of the stamens, and the deep aubergine colour of the tulip. I tried to photograph these tulips last year, but gave up after many failed attempts. I think I was probably trying to capture the whole flower, rather than reducing the view down to specific parts of the plant.

I went out to take pictures of some greenbottles I'd seen earlier on, but the sun had gone in and all I could find was a tiny hoverfly having a wash on a twig. Could have done with an extension tube I think. It's sharp, but the subject was just too small.

Couple of generic flower shots. Just thought the flowers were particularly pretty. Not very imaginative compositions though. Any suggestions on how I could have improved the composition on these would be gratefully received.

17 Oct 2002
Deepest Darkest Leics
Wandered back inside when it started to rain, and peered into the lizard tank. Mr Green was mid colour-change (brown - green). I love the way he looks up at me and watches my every move. He's so nosey:

& Mr Brown was peeping up at me from under a rock. He's mid-moult by the looks of things. Not a great shot I admit, but I very rarely see him. He's not a very sociable lizard. My aim for the summer is to capture a nice shot of Mr & Mrs Brown:

Camera: Canon EOS 300D
Lens: Canon 100mm Macro
Flash: Cobra 700AF
Aperture: Between F6.0 & F9.0 (ish)
Shutter speeds: From 1/60sec to 1/200sec
ISO: 100
18 Oct 2002
Nr. Liverpewl
The texture and the detail in the shots is fantastic. I was out with my 100-400 macro lens *cough* and i'm sure it doesn't capture the detail like your macro lens does. I think the bottom leaf in the first is a bit off putting, just a teeny bit. Plus I don't think the empty space on the left really adds to the shot. The detail in the 2nd shot is excellent. Has it been cropped at all? The composition is good too. The contrasts between the two flies. The bokeh is super smooth. The third one is nice but flower macros don't really do a lot for me. I'm not sure whether it would be better without the green at the bottom or not. I think the forth is better because the green fully surrounds the flower. Puts it into context. Very sharp both of them with great detail and good lighting. But for me its just a flower :) The first lizard is great. Excellent detail, pin sharp. There seems to be some red blob at the bottom right that would probably look better removed. The 2nd shot, as you say, isn't as good as the other but its still got something to it. The catchlight in Mr Browns eye is good and the way he's hiding tell a nice story.

I was telling my parents today that I want that lens but I'd only use it on frogs :D Still, seeing your shots makes me want it again :)
17 Oct 2002
Deepest Darkest Leics
cyKey said:
The texture and the detail in the shots is fantastic. I was out with my 100-400 macro lens *cough* and i'm sure it doesn't capture the detail like your macro lens does.
:eek: Thanks matey! The only ones which had any kind of sharpening were the hidey lizard and the hoverfly because they were the only ones which were significantly cropped. This lens is just a beautiful lens :)

I think the bottom leaf in the first is a bit off putting, just a teeny bit. Plus I don't think the empty space on the left really adds to the shot.
Not a lot I can do about the first bit, but I completely agree with you about the space not doing anything. I was going to do a square crop tightly around the flower, but decided against it... because I'm a n00b.

The detail in the 2nd shot is excellent. Has it been cropped at all? The composition is good too. The contrasts between the two flies. The bokeh is super smooth.
Yes, it's been centre cropped. That's why I wish I'd put an extension tube on. It was a tiny hoverfly and I just couldn't fill the frame with it. Not happy with the detail in this one in all honesty. And two flies??? It's a bud :p

The third one is nice but flower macros don't really do a lot for me. I'm not sure whether it would be better without the green at the bottom or not. I think the forth is better because the green fully surrounds the flower. Puts it into context. Very sharp both of them with great detail and good lighting. But for me its just a flower
Nah fair enough. They're not very exciting. Mother likes them though :D

The first lizard is great. Excellent detail, pin sharp. There seems to be some red blob at the bottom right that would probably look better removed.
Ah, he always looks great. He's such a perfect subject to work with. He's bright green at the moment, but unfortunately the light has gone now. Rest assured, you'll get thoroughly sick of him by the end of the year... just like the frogs last year!

The 2nd shot, as you say, isn't as good as the other but its still got something to it. The catchlight in Mr Browns eye is good and the way he's hiding tell a nice story.
I think I just like it because it has character. He was sitting there watching me taking pics of Mr Green. Again, this one was cropped fairly tightly because I had to white out the foreground to get enough light to him. It's not sharp enough for me. Hopefully will get a better shot soon.

I was telling my parents today that I want that lens but I'd only use it on frogs Still, seeing your shots makes me want it again
DO IT! Taking frog pictures can waste hours of your time, and it's so much fun.

Thanks for your comments Cykey, muchly appreciated.
17 Oct 2002
Deepest Darkest Leics
Well, I took a few more pics today. Instead of starting a brand new thread, I thought I'd post again in here. I've already posted 1 new thread today and don't want to take over the forum, hehe.

All taken with 100mm Macro (again... damn I love this lens) and Cobra 700AF flash.

Black cats are so bloody hard to photograph. I've had a bit of luck with Rolo though:


Not sure if this works. Dodgy crop?


Not sure if that works either, it's a bit of a candid.

Went downstairs to take some photos of Mr Green, and one of the treefrogs was out. He's looking quite dark at the moment, but these things change colour too. I never knew this until I actually kept them myself.

18 Oct 2002
Nr. Liverpewl
Hmmm. The cat shots don't really work for me. Not sure whats going on but they look kinda like any other cat shots. Which is really odd because :eek: :eek: :eek: at the frog and lizard shots. They're excellent. Maybe its because cats just don't have the same kind of texture as a frog or a lizard. The detail is excellent.
17 Oct 2002
Deepest Darkest Leics
cyKey said:
Hmmm. The cat shots don't really work for me. Not sure whats going on but they look kinda like any other cat shots. Which is really odd because :eek: at the frog and lizard shots. They're excellent. Maybe its because cats just don't have the same kind of texture as a frog or a lizard. The detail is excellent.
Nah fair enough. They probably work for me because they mean something and because I've had so many issues capturing black cats before :) I can appreciate that she's "just another cat" to everyone else though :)

The texture and the colour is what I love about the frogs/lizards. It's amazing, and to be able to capture it in fine detail with the lens is awesome. These are pretty much full frame too, so as you can imagine, the fullsize is pretty cool :D Going to have to get a couple of big posters printed next time Photobox have an offer on :D

Thanks for all the comments guys!
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