Power supply or mobo problem?

2 Feb 2012
I have a number of PCs here - all home built. I've had my media centre PC for 2 years now and it's been fine working flawlessly running xbmc until last night.... The wired network started to be flaky and my gyration USB remote would occasionally not work.

A bit more debugging today and I've done the following:

  • Looked at the messages log (the PC runs Linux) and I can see the Gyration dongle connecting and disconnecting in a continuous loop in whichever USB slot I put it in. Tried the Gyration dongle/remote in a win7 pc - works perfectly immediately.
  • I have an RF keyboard connected via another USB dongle. That works perfectly reliably. If I remove this dongle, and leave the Gyration dongle in, I get the Gyration dongle connecting/disconnecting in a continuous loop as above.
  • Onboard network adapter appears completely broken with the network coming up dependent upon which switch it is connected to (I have a couple here). When it does connect, it loses about 50% of the packets.
  • Plugged in a spare PCI-e network card into a spare slot. Ethernet works perfectly through that, although it won't boot from power off with the cable connected. Removing the cable and the system boots fine and the network works 100% once the cable is plugged in.

The PC works 100% and can stream video/audio for hours now I have worked around the onboard network not working. I just have problems with the USB ports (possibly not supplying enough current to keep the Gyration remote dongle working) and the onboard ethernet.

The board is a Zotac IONITX (1st gen) and the power supply is a 400W fanless Silverstone NightJar. Testing the power supply is possible as I can drop it into another PC and/or put another power supply into the case but I don't have a spare, so this involves dismantling another PC.

Given that the board works perfectly (xbmc works 100% reliably) if I don't use the Gyration/onboard network, I suspect a local power supply problem on the board and that it's time to get a new mobo rather than a problem with the PSU itself. What do others think? Any other tests people can suggest?
???? Unlikely to be an OS issue... Nothing had changed (i.e. I haven't done any software updates for ages) between it working and it not working.... It also works beautifully with a different network card in there.
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