So, I've got all the components for my Ryzen 5 1600 build sorted apart from the PSU.
I'm completely out of the loop as I haven't built a machine for a long time. The last time I did, the choice was fairly simple: get a Seasonic or an Antec.
I've seen a 500W Be Quiet! System Power 8 for around £50 which got a good review on Hexus, and a 620W Seasonic S12-II for around £65.
I'll be running a Ryzen 5 1600, overclocked a little, with an R9 390.
Are either of those mentioned a good choice? Any others to consider?
So, I've got all the components for my Ryzen 5 1600 build sorted apart from the PSU.
I'm completely out of the loop as I haven't built a machine for a long time. The last time I did, the choice was fairly simple: get a Seasonic or an Antec.
I've seen a 500W Be Quiet! System Power 8 for around £50 which got a good review on Hexus, and a 620W Seasonic S12-II for around £65.
I'll be running a Ryzen 5 1600, overclocked a little, with an R9 390.
Are either of those mentioned a good choice? Any others to consider?