It was more the Star Swam latencies, I was under the impression bottlenecks on that all came from an API bottleneck rather then being CPU bound. If this is true (and to be fair what we've been getting told since it came out!) then SS AMD DX is giving you 75ms, while on nvidia its giving ~30ms on the same API.
BF4 single card latencies are around the same as an nvidia card in DX both hitting around 12-13ms.
I'm not commenting or taking anything away from the mantle results as it shows its doing what it says on the tin, more a concern that DX may still be fudged somewhat on the 14.x drivers.
The Star Swarm results quite clearly states; DX 13.24ms and Mantle 7.29ms, 75ms does not exist, no idea where you got that from?
"BF4 single card latencies are around the same as an nvidia card in DX both hitting around 12-13ms."
Is that on a Phenom II? no, it isn't.